With Halloween right around the corner, we're getting ready to run up to my parents' store and have the girls work on their fabulous three hours per year career as models! In the meantime, here are a few photos from Halloweens past! Also, be sure to check out my previous post filled with more Halloween layouts!

Supplies Used
Club Scrap: Main Retreat 2007 - 8.5x11 ALSB Design; Egyptian 8/03 - Green Debossed 8.5 Print; Poetic 9/03 - Yellow; Hearth & Home 10/03 - Charcoal; Down to Earth 4/05 - UM Stamps;
Ranger: Antiquities Ink Pad - Frosted Crystal; Archival Ink Pad - Jet Black;
Scrapbook Takeout: Ribbon Slide;
Zig: Writer - Pure Black;
This is one of many photos from past Halloween ad shoots at my parent's store. I think this was when I was in high school!

Supplies Used
Club Scrap: Main Retreat 2007 - 8.5x11 ALSB Design & Fibers; Poetic - 9/03 Brown Print; Work Bench 8/05 - Green Embossed Plain; Rhapsody 3/07 - Rust Plain; Bridges 2/08 - Poetry Words;
Scrapbook Takeout: Harvest Feast 10/07 - 7 Gypsies Zanzibar Stickers;
Zig: Chocolate Memory Writer;
The Beverly Times used to run coloring contests each year for Halloween and Easter. Sponsoring stores picked 1-3 winners each season for their image and submitted them towards the grand prize. I'd won a few individual business prizes, like a $10 savings account, gift certificates, and the like... but in 1984, with my age listed as "almost 10", I managed not only to win $10 at the candy shop, but the grand prize! Unfortunately, coffee got spilled on the submission before I got it back, and over time the newsprint deteriorated, crinkled, etc before I managed to scan it in! believe me, the background used to be crisp while the paper bag, that I attached, was not! My winning bank account one, from one Easter, also had an add-on :) For it, I tinted a pinch of a cotton ball with a light yellow marker and put it on the baby chick who was hatching out of an egg! I can't remember everything that I won, but it included a black and white tv (that still ran when my son turned 10!), six tickets and programs to the incredible stage production in town, aka the magic show, and some more!

Supplies Used
Club Scrap: Main Retreat 2007 - 8.5x11 ALSB Design; Egyptian 8/03 - Green Debossed 8.5 Print; Poetic 9/03 - Yellow; Hearth & Home 10/03 - Charcoal; Down to Earth 4/05 - UM Stamps;
Ranger: Antiquities Ink Pad - Frosted Crystal; Archival Ink Pad - Jet Black;
Scrapbook Takeout: Ribbon Slide;
Zig: Writer - Pure Black;
This is one of many photos from past Halloween ad shoots at my parent's store. I think this was when I was in high school!

Supplies Used
Club Scrap: Main Retreat 2007 - 8.5x11 ALSB Design & Fibers; Poetic - 9/03 Brown Print; Work Bench 8/05 - Green Embossed Plain; Rhapsody 3/07 - Rust Plain; Bridges 2/08 - Poetry Words;
Scrapbook Takeout: Harvest Feast 10/07 - 7 Gypsies Zanzibar Stickers;
Zig: Chocolate Memory Writer;
The Beverly Times used to run coloring contests each year for Halloween and Easter. Sponsoring stores picked 1-3 winners each season for their image and submitted them towards the grand prize. I'd won a few individual business prizes, like a $10 savings account, gift certificates, and the like... but in 1984, with my age listed as "almost 10", I managed not only to win $10 at the candy shop, but the grand prize! Unfortunately, coffee got spilled on the submission before I got it back, and over time the newsprint deteriorated, crinkled, etc before I managed to scan it in! believe me, the background used to be crisp while the paper bag, that I attached, was not! My winning bank account one, from one Easter, also had an add-on :) For it, I tinted a pinch of a cotton ball with a light yellow marker and put it on the baby chick who was hatching out of an egg! I can't remember everything that I won, but it included a black and white tv (that still ran when my son turned 10!), six tickets and programs to the incredible stage production in town, aka the magic show, and some more!