Club Scrap: Mirror Mirror - Greetings to Go, UM Stamps; Ranger: Adirondack Inks - Espresso, Stonewashed, Pesto; Seashells Inks - Starfish Green; Glossy Paper;
My daughters and I are working on a bunch of packages to send overseas to soldiers serving the Army in Iraq! We've got three wonderful guys who are currently serving there and have promised to distribute all of our goodies to as many fellow soldiers as they can and to be sure and share with those who don't get many care packages from home. But beyond the regular treats, we thought of something else that they could really use! We're sending them unused handmade cards that they can in turn send home to their loved ones, and they don't have to pay postage, the military does!
We're looking for more people who would love to send us cards for them... Very good themes include I Miss You, ILove You, Happy Birthday, ThankYou, blank cards, etc. We'd also love a few Father's Day cards to send this month! Everything is welcome, but maybe refrain from 20 glittering pink butterflies in a row as most of the people sending these will be men who may shy away from picking those cards in front of their platoon! :) But plenty have little girls at home, still!
If we have more than these guys can handle, I'm talking to them about trying to maybe set up a basketful at their post office with a freebie sign so that everyone there can scoop them up! And we'll get the girls' Brownie troop more involved in collecting additional cards, stationary, and soldiers to help distribute in Iraq & Afghanistan! I already have a huge thank you to DanaM, Cheryl M, and Pam G for already helping!
Just send me an email at neithj@gmail.com and I'll send you out our mailing address!

Club Scrap: Paisley 3/06 - papers; FFC You're Invited - UM; Club Scrap Hybrid Ink Pad - Earth; Assembly Line Cardmaking - 9 of Spades;